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Wetmore Baptist Church

An Independant Baptist Church

26252 State Hwy 96, Wetmore, Colorado

50 Lessons on the Church

by Norman H. Wells, 2001; The Challenge Press, 4701 Colebrook Ave.,Emmaus, PA 18049;  (610) 965-4700.

Lesson 1 - The Definition of a Churcg

Lesson 2 - The Origin of the Chirch

Lesson 3 - Membership of a Chirch

Lesson 4 - Governmrnt of a Church

Lesson 5 - The Local Church's Relationship to Other Churches

The Organization of a Church

Lesson  6 - The Head, Administrator and Rule of Faith

Lesson 7 - The Pastor

Lesson 8 - The Deacons

Lesson 9 - Miscellaneous Offices

Church Ordinances - Baptism

Lesson 10 - The History of Baptism

Lesson 11 - The 4 Requirements of Scriptual Baptism

Lesson 12 - The importance of Baptism

Church Ordinances - The Lord's Supper

Lesson 13 - The History of the Lord's Supper

Lesson 14 - The Purpose of the Lord's Supper

Lesson 15 - Close Communion


Lesson 16 - The Mission of the Church

Lesson 17 - Mission of the Church: Foreign Missions

Lesson 18 - The Mission of the Church

Lesson 19 - Discipline

Lesson 20 - The Ideal Church Member

Lesson 21 - Financing the Church - Tithing

Lesson 22 - Financing the Church (continued)

Lesson 23 - Articles of Faith

Lesson 24 - Articles of Faith (continued)

Lesson 25 - The Church Covenant  

New Testament Church History

Lesson 26 - The Church of the New Testament

Lesson 27 - The First Church at Jerusalem

Lesson 28 - Multiplying of the New Testament Churches

Lesson 29 - The Apostle Paul

Lesson 30 - The Age of Martyers: 64-108 AD

                   Foxe's_Book_of_Martyrs - 1881.pdf     

Lesson 31 - Persecutians: 108-235 AD

Lesson 32 - The Roman Persecutions: 235-206 AD

Lesson 33 - The Beginning of Error

Lesson 34 - Constantine: 306 AD

Lesson 35 - True Churches of the First Four Centuries

Lesson 36 - The Beginning of the "Dark Ages"

Lesson 37 - The Doctrine of Error

Lesson 38 - The Inquisition: 1198-1700 AD

Lesson 39 - The Pursecuted

Lesson 40 - The Anabaptists

Lesson 41 - The Reformation (Part 1)

Lesson 42 - The Reformation (Part 2)

Lesson 43 - The Reformation (Part 3)

Lesson 44 - The Baptists During the Reformation

Lesson 45 - The Baptists During the Reformation (continued)

Lesson 46 - Church History in England

Lesson 47 - Church History in the United States

Lesson 48 - Early Baptist History in the United States

Lesson 49 - The Early Growth of Baptists

Lesson 50 - Baptists Today

Lesson 51 -Different "Kinds" of Baptists