Come Worship With Us!
Welcome message from the pastor...
I want to thank you for visiting our website and
I'd like to invite you to visit our church. My wife Tina and I have had
the privilege of ministering here for the last 30 years. We have a great family of
believers who love the Lord, His Word and others. Our focus here at the
Wetmore Baptist Church is the preaching and teaching of the Bible, God's
Holy Word. We believe the Bible is the very Word of God, complete and
without any errors. It is God's love letter to us and His instruction
manual for life.We know that the Bible is the only book that will build
lives and families that will glorify God and impact their communities
for Christ. Again let me welcome you to our worship services. It would
be a blessing to see you!
Bro. Brian Withrow
Link: Pastor Brian Withrow's Facebook Page
Link: YouTube Video Sermons for Wetmore Baptist Church
Link: How to Join our church (pdf).
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